I had the most beautiful dream. There was a tall, black mountain face, straight up, with tiny ledges for your fingers and toes to grip precariously. So many people were trying to crawl up its sides but couldn’t make it, and would fall back into an abyss. I was almost to the top and my fingers couldn’t hold on anymore. A voice inside me said, “let go” and I did. I didn’t fall. I was hovering and then I hovered up to this black door. The question was, “what can you give to gain access to what is inside this door?” I said, “I am love.” And the door opened, and inside was tunnels of what looked like Labradorite, pulsing with light, like a heartbeat of light. Every time the heartbeat of light hummed, the walls and ceiling and floor lit up like rainbows. It was so beautiful I started crying, and there was so much love energy I felt like I would explode. I touched the walls, and they were cold, and wet, and felt like ridged rock, but rainbows alive inside of them. I told myself over and over, “remember this, remember this, remember this.”
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