Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 18th dream

 I had a dream that I was on the beach. The ocean was going to get stormy, and the wind was picking up. To my right was a tall cliff. To my left, a lady was putting up a jewelry stand on the sand by the waves, and her earring displays fell over from the wind. I went over to help her fix them and I was mesmerized by all of the beautiful crystals and stones she used in her earrings. Then this little child, a beautiful little girl with the lightest blue eyes I ever saw, walked up to me, leaned close and whispered, “are you an angel?” I looked into her eyes, and they were not light blue at all, but clear like a quartz crystal. I said, “not any more than you are.” Then she smiled and crawled into my lap. Then I woke up.

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