I had a dream that I was in a Commercial airplane, and it suddenly tipped to crash straight down. I went up to the cockpit and looked out the window and wasn't scared at all. I willed the plane to land in my mind, and said aloud, "it won't crash, everyone will be ok." and the belly of the plane tipped at just the right angle that it landed on its belly and skidded to a halt into an urban area with a wide street and gray buildings on either side . Everyone survived, and said it was a miracle. I walked outside of the plane, but no one followed me. As soon as I walked outside of the plane, there were no buildings anymore, and I had no sense of the landscape. I could only see what was directly in front of me--it was all white like a blank slate and objects only appeared when I got close enough. I found food supplies...big bags filled with cartons of strawberry yogurt to give to people. I ordered people to make an assembly line to help get the food to everyone, but I was alone, and no one was behind me and no one was coming out of the plane. I kept yelling at them to come out, that it was better out here than in the plane. Everyone was just staying inside the plane.Then another plane crashed to my right, and it had no wings. But I knew there was no one inside that plane. Then both planes disappeared and I was just there. Alone. Not scared or lonely. I just felt really old and tired.
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