Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 I had the most intense dream that really felt real. I was in a huge, old library with tall windows three stories high. Outside the window, I could see the universe, and planets falling apart, with ash dripping down into the sky. I heard a voice say, "It's time now." There was a soundless thunder snap that ended everything. And then I flew up, faster than light, through realms and dimensions made of gossamer and silk and hazy clouds, webs and lace of silver and I kept going faster and faster up up up and then I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was sitting in the most beautiful sunshine cafe, wita perfect orange on a plate before me. I peeled the orange and ate a piece, and said, "this is the most delicious orange I ever tasted." Then I woke up and it was super disorienting that I was in my bed. 

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