Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My Patch of Sunlight

Some days, I feel like someone should send me a volleyball so I can have my own Wilson to talk to. Other days, I sit in the patch of sunlight on my top step, read a book, and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my skin and the wind that rustles the page. Everything in me feels hyper sensitive to everything right now, the good and the bad. We have to learn how to weather the bad in the right way so it doesn't destroy us. Enjoying a small patch of sunshine on the top step is a start for me. Every day will have a new start. I know, someday, I'll run through a sunlit forest, I'll make sand angels on the beach, and I'll sit on a rock in the middle of my favorite river with the curling clouds above me. These are the things I think about when my patch of sunlight is my world

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