Monday, March 30, 2020


I wanted to tell you a story about the dog that lives on my street. He is a huge, lanky, black German Shepherd named Ziggy. He is almost two and runs like a Gumby dog with no bones in his legs. He has huge ears and his tongue lolls out of his mouth whenever he runs towards me. I honestly think his wagging tail propels him forwards, otherwise he’d move like a grocery cart with wheels going off in different directions. Yesterday, I went on a quick walk around my block, and Ziggy saw me. He often hangs out in the yard in front of his home. When he saw me, he started speaking a doggy language that consisted of prolonged howls and chewing barks; I felt like he was gently scolding me and also saying "“I am so happy to see you! My life is complete!” Then he got fixated on a giant fly and trickle of water running down the sidewalk across the street from me. It made my day just to see him. Dogs don’t understand social distancing. I wish I had a dog right now. Anyway, just imagine a giant black German Shepherd that runs with legs all akimbo. It will make you smile.

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