Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Are You Lost?

 "Are you lost?"

I look down, and see a young boy, maybe 7, twirling around in the ocean water near me. I look at him, after looking at the vastness of the ocean, the vastness of the future of my life, and I answer, "No, I'm not lost." I say it with a smile. The ocean laps at my waist. I'm not lost. 

he says, "you should twirl like a mermaid like me!" and he twirls around in the water. I laugh, but I stand as I am. I am doing what I need to do. Standing with both feet solid, with waves coming and going. I am exactly perfect in the not knowing. 

After I settle back on my towel, he looks over at me and gives me the thumbs up sign every so often. It's fun to make unexpected friends at the beach, and the angel sight of children is a wonder to behold, as is the discovery that all the things I thought I didn't know or maybe lost are more golden and sure than I ever imagined. I just needed the question asked to show me my own knowing. 

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