Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Winter Solstice dream

 I had a very interesting Winter Solstice dream last night. In my dream, I was running down this narrow, canyon trail towards an abyss. I kept passing donkeys laden with luggage who were also heading into the abyss. Once I got to the bottom, it was not a dark place. It was a beautiful springtime meadow with lots of white light and rays of sunshine and horses everywhere. So much peace. A man was taming the horses and teaching children how to ride them. 

Then I was a very old woman, but looked young. I was rubbing someone's back, almost like soothing a baby. The person said, "don't stop; this makes me feel grounded." I knew there was something in my hands that was making that person feel healed, so I didn't stop. 

I wish I could draw realistically this place. The horses looked like heaven horses. But I never thought a place like that could be found in an abyss. Maybe that's the perspective of being on one side as opposed to the other...?

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