Sunday, September 20, 2020


 I had a dream last night. In the dream, I was in the ocean, swimming. Suddenly, I was lifted up, up, up in a huge tsunami wave; higher, higher, higher, until I was at the very top of the wave, so high I was close to outer space. At the top, I was perfectly balanced, and waited for the moment when I would freefall straight down either the frontside or the backside of the wave. I waited for the feeling in my stomach of falling and of fear, but it didn't come. I just had a feeling of letting go. Suddenly, the wave was gone, as if it had never existed, and I was back in the ocean. Then another wave came, higher than the first. I saw it coming this time. I thought, surely I would not make it through this one, but once again, I felt my body turn to the same stuff as the wave and was lifted up to the top. Let go, let go, let go. Then I woke up. What is in this dream to teach me...peace and not fearing what will come, being like water, and trusting through even the scariest situation....everything we face is a teacher.

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