Wednesday, July 8, 2020


For about a year, I have been having a recurring dream where I'm in my bed and a dark force/shape is in my room. In my dream, I am too scared to look at it, but I plead for it to go away and it ends up killing me.
Last night, it was different. In my dream, I was in my bed sleeping, but I was also watching myself from above. The dark shape was in my room, with an evil aura. I sat up in bed, and I stared directly at it, and I ordered it to go away. The dark shape squeezed my throat and took away my voice, but I kept thinking in my head "go away, I'm not afraid!" and then the dream ended. When I woke up, my throat was so sore as if I'd been screaming all night. I do not think this dream will oppress me anymore.

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