Thursday, July 30, 2020

An old memory

I just fell in love with Taylor Swift's "Hoax" on her new album. It totally reminded me of someone I lost. Heartbreak is never easy to navigate; like being lost in a storm with no compass. There are things in life you can't fence up, wall in, or cut out of the soul. You just have to learn to live with the longing and the absence of someone or something you hoped for. It isn't a death, but in some ways it is. That ghost of yourself is left behind as you step out in a new, raw skin, pink and delicate and vulnerable to the realities of life.

I wrote this shortly after the loss and it is amazing to me how we can feel so deeply to our depths and still find a way to keep going.

The keening of the wind
was not the wind, but me
Though my lips are closed
My soul, in anguished silence, cries

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