Thursday, May 28, 2020

Pray tell, Well?

I've been writing little poems and painting quick watercolors to go with them. Here's one I did today:
An echo in an empty well
hobbled up the stones
and sang in fading tones
sorrow from my soul.
I gave into that empty space
pieces of my heart,
dropping slowly, part by part -
waiting, hoping, fading.
It's too deep to clearly see
What is looking back at me.
So I turn and look up high
To places I can't see,
And pray the words that I let fly
Will bring an answer back to me.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Today was a gift, and a strange blend of sadness and joy. Today was a day where I felt the divide between memories and now. I sat between where the ocean was vivid blue and steel gray, with clouds edging away from the morning sun. I didn't realize how I was gasping, or how desperate my spirit was, until I felt the swell of the ocean rise under me and thunder forward. It is strange how we can go about our days, almost starving for something we're not sure of, until we figure it out. The swell of joy afterwards is almost painful.
And today, I tried to paint something really silly, but the otter's eyes look crazy, and watercolor is really hard when you are trying to control the colors. I feel like I'm on the edge of figuring something out, but I'm just at the edges trying to feel my way in.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Watercolor shapes

I'm trying to remember how to paint with watercolors. It is fun to see the colors swirl together in unpredictable ways - you really have to give up control and let the paints surprise you. I tried painting a watercolor version of a recent acrylic painting, and I noticed that in this watercolor version, there is a dragon shape facing the ducky. Art usually uncovers something we are not totally aware of and it can be uncomfortable to face. I think this dragon is nice, though.