Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Magic Popcorn

I was at a craft fair stall, lost in the beauty of painted scarves that looked like trapped rainbows. 

The man at the booth said, “You’re a painter, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. 

“How did you know?” I asked, surprised. 

"You have that unassuming look, but you are so intent at what you see.” Then he paused for a moment and said with great assurance, "You should keep painting. I have a feeling you are going to be very successful if you keep at it.” 

I felt like he really was a kindred spirit, like he could tell what this year has been and how lost I’ve felt the last few months. 

I confessed, “It has been hard lately. I feel stuck, but I will keep trying.” 

Then he gave me a big hug and poured some kettlecorn popcorn into my hand and said, “Take this magic popcorn. It will help. Hang in there. You will find your way. Keep painting!” He smiled at me like he really saw me....the inside me. 

I won’t forget that unexpected encouragement, or meeting a friend who is walking through life with gentleness and kindness, pouring out love and magic popcorn.

That is what I want to be to others.

What a journey life is. 

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