I never normally remember my dreams, but last night I had the most vivid dream...
A Grizzly bear was attacking me. Instead of running or cowering, I stood my ground and defeated it with amazing ninja skills I do not possess in real life. I yelled at the bear and felt no fear - only anger that the bear would even try to attack me. I stood defiant, with my tiny little human body, and told that bear where to go before I kicked its butt. If you've ever met me, I am the least aggressive or confrontational person on the planet and would never, ever hurt any human or animal. I do believe in dreams and their symbolic power. Apparently, if you dream about a Grizzy attacking you and you defeat it, it represents your ability to face down your deepest fear. I am finding that the older I get, I am finding strength I never knew I had, even when I don't feel strong in any way at all.
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