Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Reflection on a Sun Fire Night

After work, I swam for a long, long time, until I forgot I was swimming and peace settled on me, smoothing out the ripples of worry, stress, and sadness. In chasing strength and speed, I found my heart slip into that peaceful reflection I often long for. Later, at Asilomar, I watched the sun slip slowly into the fog-covered horizon; a red fire lit up the storm clouds and dark shadows raking across the sea. The waves crashed, luminous in the dying light, defiant against the wind. I felt grateful to have seen it. Often, in life, I look so far ahead, seeing the end of something instead of letting moments carry me and surprise me and delight me...and it is my battle to let go and surrender to those moments: the joy and sorrow of life and living. Truly, our hearts beat and break and we exist; this life is exquisite in its fragility and power, song and color, sacredness and nakedness of soul and longing.

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