Saturday, October 31, 2020

 I went for a walk around my neighborhood and saw a man go by in an old, yellow roadster convertible. There was a huge, shaggy dog sitting next to him in the front, just like a person. The dog was bigger than the man and was intently looking forward like he was the driver. Maybe the dog actually was driving. I tried drawing it, but I'm not good at realistic stuff. Somehow the car looks more alive...

Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Today, I took my SUP out - launched from Del Monte and went almost to Lovers. I was just out there between the red bell buoy and Lovers, sitting on my board, feeling the wind, and praying. I've been praying for signs lately...signs that I'm on the right path (on every level) and signs for my purpose. Well, it's hard for me to ask for things that I need, but I just needed a little bit of magic today. Reminders that I'm seen and loved for who I am.

While I was sitting, I saw a fin, and my first thought was...oh, maybe a shark? But then there was spouting, so I knew it was a dolphin. I paddled towards it, and then was circled by a pod of Rissos, maybe 20-30, all feeding. One popped up right next to my SUP, and it startled me. I sang the "Ole Aloha" chant to them, stuck my arms in the ocean, and sent loving prayers of thanks for this beautiful gift. Then I cried, lol, because it was so, so beautiful (I'm not much of a crier, so the release as tears of gratitude instead of sorrow was wonderful). I stayed with them for an hour; they ate their lunch around me, while I just sat and thought and prayed.
Then when I got back to the beach, I laid on my belly on the sand. I saw a little girl, maybe 2, running around with just a huge diaper on. She had blond hair and big blue eyes and she was so joyful. She saw me watching her, and ran over and squatted down to my eye level. I thought she was going to kiss my nose, she got so close, but she just looked deep into my eyes with such open joy, and said in a feathery, fairy voice, "hi!" Oh, my heart melted! It reminded me of me when I was that age, and also of what my daughter might look like, if I had a daughter.
I know we are all going through some dark forests of heartaches/struggles/worries, but I just wanted to share this. It reminded me that we are all worthy to ask for what we need, we are worthy to ask for moments of magic.