Monday, December 30, 2019

A New Year and Goodbye to an Old Year

"As these days close, I stand on the cusp of one year and another.
Chapters end;
The cover closes upon the pages full of stories written. 
The light has fallen into the abyss of the past.
The hollow of our voices and memories echo, a song our hands cannot hold. 
A new year before us,
Rising mightily, joyously
For new words, new stories, new memories, and new songs."
-Melissa Ulrich

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas and Hope

The sweet expanse of darkness
makes the sinking even seem
so effortless; a weighted pull, a solomn dream. 
We search for meaning in this blank;
heavens prick, as darkness tugs
against ourselves, as we drown into nothing. 
What meaning, have we, in this expanse?
As light in heavens pulls back, retracts,
As light above water, fades, as we sink?
I'm not sure, 
But as I sink,
I pray and I believe.